
Front Load

Standard sizes of containers are: 2 yard, 4 yard, 6 yard or 8 yard

2 Yard

These are best suited for businesses that don’t produce a lot of trash volume like churches or small retail establishments. Also, they can be on wheels for tight parking lots or alley use.
6 feet wide x 3.5 feet high x 3.5 feet deep
4 Yard

These are best suited for small to medium trash producers like small restaurant/bars or 4-16 unit apartment buildings.
7 feet wide x 4.5 feet high x 5 feet deep
6 Yard

These are best suited for medium to large volume trash producers such as small to medium sized industrial customers, larger apartment buildings/complexes and larger restaurants.
6 feet wide x 4.5 feet high x 6.5 feet deep
8 Yard

This is the largest container for standard weekly pickups. It is suited for large industrial customers, strip stores where the waste container will be shared, large, low rise apartment complexes etc.
6 feet wide x 4.5 feet high x 6.5 feet deep

Rear Load

Standard sizes of containers are: 2 yard, 4 yard, 6 yard or 8 yard

2 Yard

These are best suited for businesses that don’t produce a lot of trash volume like churches or small retail establishments. Also, they can be on wheels for tight parking lots or alley use.
5.5 feet wide x 4 feet high x 3.5 feet deep
4 Yard

These are best suited for small to medium trash producers like small restaurant/bars or 4-16 unit apartment buildings.
5.5 feet wide x 4 feet high x 7.5 feet deep
6 Yard

These are best suited for medium to large volume trash producers such as small to medium sized industrial customers, larger apartment buildings/complexes and larger restaurants.
5.5 feet wide x 4 feet high x 10 feet deep
8 Yard

This is the largest container for standard weekly pickups. It is suited for large industrial customers, strip stores where the waste container will be shared, large, low rise apartment complexes etc.
5.5 feet wide x 5 feet high x 10 feet deep

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